Wednesday 21 May 2014

Phra Pidat LuangPhor Koon (oee)

Phra Pidta LuangPhor Koon "Koon Punlarn" Wat BanRai B.E 2537

The most popular Phra Pidta of LuangPhor Koon "Koon Punlarn" was made at Wat BanRai in B.E 2537

999 pcs with gold masks
9999 pcs with no gold masks

Actual amulet at shop

Tuesday 20 May 2014

LuangPu Toh/Wat Pradoochimpee (Ahae)

Phra ChaoMae KwanYim
Phim Lek (Small Mould)
LuangPu Toh
Wat Pradoochimpee (Bangkok)
B.E 2517

(500 Pieces Only)

Actual amulet at shop with certificate ready

LuangPu Toh/Wat Pradoochimpee (caee)

Phra Kring SaiFaa (1Code)
LuangPu Toh
Wat Pradoochimpee (Bangkok)
B.E 2520

This piece shown have Champ condition and the DinBao (Mould soil) is still stick on the amulet

Has won the 3nd place at Surat Thani Competition on 4-5-2557 Certificate not ready