Friday 22 July 2016

Rian Sema LuangPu Toh Nur Ngern (Silver material) Wat Pradoochimpee ( Bangkok) B.E 2518

Rian Sema LuangPu Toh Nur Ngern(Silver material) Wat Pradoochimpee (Bangkok) B.E 2518

This medal was created to celebrate the 89th year's old birthday of LuangPu Toh. The silver material Sema mould for this batch of medal had created 2000 pieces only.

The piece shown here has maintained in it's original temple box and in a beautiful condition which is very hard to come across.

☎+65 9070 1477
Golden Mile Tower
6001 Beach Road
Singapore 199589



Sunday 17 July 2016

Somdej LuangPu Phoo Phim ThangMon Wat Intaraviharm (Bangkok)

Somdej LuangPu Phoo Phim ThangMon Wat Intaraviharm ( Bangkok )

Champ Condition and had ever won at major amulet competition

All items Sold are non exchangeable or refundable unless proven Fake in major Competition