Phra Kring Wat Lao Phim Dtaeng (Touch Up Mould) Acharn Sawai Sumano (Bangkok) B.E 2510
PhraKring Wat Lao was created by Acharn Sawai Sumano of Wat Rajnadda(Bangkok) in B.E.2510. Although the total amount of PhraKring Wat Lao created was around 2000 pieces,only approximately 300 pieces were touched up by the disciple of Acharn Sawai,named Acharn Chanalorng, during that time in order to have a more defined features of the amulets.
This piece shown above is one of the Phim Dtaeng (Touch Up Mould) which has a well defined features with an original texture.
For viewing: Appointment only
Golden Mile Tower
6001Beach Road
Singapore 199589
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