Saturday 23 January 2016

Casing For Tarkut

Casing For Tarkut (Size 10)(3.5cm)

Stainless Steel Clips

Stainless Steel Clips 1pc $13.00

KumanThong LuangPhor Yaem Room Bucha Gru Wat SaamNgam (Nakonpathom) B.E 2547/48

Kumanthong LuangPhor Yaem Roon Bucha Gru Wat SaamNgam (Nakonpathom) B.E 2547/48 A batch of Kumanthong amulet which is highly sought by Kumanthong collectors in Thailand. Created by LuangPhor Yaem in B.E. 2547 and had mixed with Thao Graduk (Ashes) and Jet Pa Cha (Soil from seven cemetery). Created not more than 2000 pieces which is not easy to come across an authentic piece

Friday 22 January 2016

Pae (Goat) LuangPhor Sinn Wat Lahanyai

Pae (Goat) LuangPhor Sinn Wat Lahanyai This is Efficacious of Kreung Rang Charming Pae Of Buffalo's Horn, strongly blessed by LuangPhor Sinn himself in year BE2554. Featured with carved Phae of Goat image with carved sacred Yant on the body and bottom. This sacred Pae is carved from Buffalo's Horn for its suitable protection materials, the Buffalo is known as very tough and strong animal which is almost impervious to physical harm (KongKapan). Futhermore, the Goat animal has extremely great charisma & sex attraction (Metta MahaNiyom & Metta Mahasaney) because the male Goat will always be accompanied by many female goats LuamgPhor Sinn Wat Lahanyai, Rayong province is one of the Top Monk and powerful to created variety amulets included Phra Khun Paen, Phra Somdej, Pha (goat), Palakit, LoopOm and many many more. LuangPhor Sinn went to Wat Lahanrai to ordained as monk at age 24years old. He studied Wicha magic from LuangPu Tim Isariko, LuangPhor Pheng, abbot of Wat Lahanyai and LuangPhor Lard, Wat Nong Krabok. $188.00


Wednesday 20 January 2016

Phra Bucha LuangPhor Koon Wat BanRai B.E 2538

Phra Bucha LuangPhor Koon Wat BanRai B.E 2538 9inch

All items Sold are non exchangeable or refundable unless proven Fake in major Competition money 100 % refund

出 售 的 所 有 物 品 都 是 非 更 换 或 退 款 , 除 非 在 重 大 比 赛 证 明 假 錢 100 % 退 款


Phra LuangPhor Sothorn Rian Bai Po Roon Raek (1st Batch) Nur Apaka Wat Sothorn ( Chachaengsao ) B.E 2503

Phra LuangPhor Sothorn Rian Bai Po Roon Raek (1st Batch) Nur Apaka Wat Sothorn (Chachaengsao) B.E 2503 

 Phra LuangPhor Sothorn Rian Bai Po Roon Raek (1st Batch) Nur Apaka created in B.E. 2503 was the first time Wat Sothorn had ever created in a Bai Po shaped mould

Takrut NarPaakSeua LuangPhor Yeam Wat SaamNgam ( Nakonpathom)

Takrut NarPaakSeua LuangPhor Yeam Wat SaamNgam ( Nakonpathom)

All items Sold are non exchangeable or refundable unless proven Fake in major Competition